Screening is absolutely necessary to meet with me. My safety is something I hold very dear– but so is your privacy. I will be the only person viewing your information, and it is done through a secure device. I am always happy to sign an NDA.

After submitting the completed form, email screening information to:
If you would like my unlisted, discrete email, please ask for it on the booking form.

Please choose from at least one of the following screening options:

  1. Two Provider References

    Provide the names, websites, + email addresses of the reputable provider(s) you have met in the past 6-12 months.

  2. Your LinkedIn / company website and Gov’t issued ID

  3. A blank email from your work email (I have a discrete, unlisted email you can request for this).

  4. Work badge (showing name and company name) and Gov’t issued ID.